GC Castway's Chauncey of Purrdelis,
This is Chauncey. She is a Grand Champion dilute calico female, born
1/26/94. Chauncey was one of our original foundation queens and was recently
retired from our breeding program. She has blessed us with many beautiful kittens
that have sweet, loving temperaments and loud purrboxes!
Chauncey had some difficulties with her most recent litter, and after much soul
searching, we decided it would be best for Chauncey to be spayed. Despite her loving
and gentle disposition with people, she is not happy being one of the gang with our other
cats. So we have had to make the difficult decision to part with Chauncey.


Chauncey has found her ideal new family, and now lives in
Pullman, Washington, which is on the Eastern side of our home state.
Before she went to her new home, though, she had the
distinct honor of earning the title of Distinguished Merit (DM).
What this means is that Chauncey produced five offspring which either
became Grand Champions or Grand Premiers.
Chauncey's "Grand" Parade includes:
 | GC Purrdelis' Patty Cake |
 | GP, RW Purrdelis' Jennyanydot |
 | GC, GP Purrdelis' Chauncey's Cherub |
 | GC,GP,RW Purrdelis' Gettin Jiggy Wid It |
 | GP Purrdelis' Rude Awakening |
Chauncey's Achievements
 | In
1998 Chauncey earned the award of Best Parti-color British Shorthair in the Northwest
Region of CFA |
 | In August, 1999,
Chauncey earned the title of Distinguished Merit. |
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